Vern (Siprotec 7SS6, 7ST61 og 7UT63) (SKI)
12 måneders intervall
Aktivitetsnummer: 1000
Påse at grønn "RUN" LED lyser, og ikke rød "ERROR" LED.Kommentar
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1010
Påse at status på frontpanelets LEDer reflekterer tilstanden til enheten og anlegget.Kommentar
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1020
Påse at LEDer fungerer ved å trykke "LED push-to-test"-knappen. Alle LEDer, utenom rød "ERROR"-LED lyser.Kommentar
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-F
Aktivitetsnummer: 1030
Påse at analoge input fungerer ved å kontrollere driftsmåleverdiene mot de faktiske måleverdiene.Kommentar
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-VE
Aktivitetsnummer: 1040
Påse at enheten er fri for stående varsler for enhetsfeil, måleverdier eller annen usannsynlig informasjon.Kommentar
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1050
Påse at "Fail Battery" er fri for stående varsel. Bytt batteri ved behov.Kommentar
Recommended battery:
Lithium battery 3 V/1 Ah, type CR 1/2 AA, e.g.
VARTA Order No. 6127 101 501
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
120 måneders intervall
Aktivitetsnummer: 1060
Bytt batteri.Kommentar
Recommended battery:
Lithium battery 3 V/1 Ah, type CR 1/2 AA, e.g.
VARTA Order No. 6127 101 501
SIPROTEC digital protective and control devices are designed to require no
special maintenance measures. The only maintenance measure required is to change the battery. All the measuring and signal processing circuits are solid-state. All the input modules are also solid- state. The binary outputs are provided with barriers. Since the device is self-monitoring to a great extent, hardware and software problems are signaled automatically. This ensures the high availability of the device. Therefore, maintenance checks in short intervals are not required.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, EPC Ski, Preventive Maintenance Analyses, UOS-90-Q-56005_03C- Intervall 120 md
- Type FV PO