Frost- og vannsikring i TBM-tunneler/PAT (BLIX)
24 måneders intervall
Aktivitetsnummer: 1000
Laserskanning av frost og vannsikring for å avdekke skader og lekkasjer.Kommentar
Proposed routine and interval as a result of internal meeting between RAMS, AI and DFO 09.12.21. Providers that offer laser scanning suggest to perform inspection every 2 years
To be performed at the end of winter season.
UFB-30-A-65304 Follobanen, Blixtunnelen, Underbygning, Betongarbeider, Vann- og frostsikring, FDV brukerhåndbok, Km 2,050 – 22,384 ¿[R8]
Proposed routine and interval as a result of internal meeting between RAMS, AI and DFO 09.12.21. Providers that offer laser scanning suggest to perform inspection every 2 years
Suggested inspection of the tunnel is based on the Spanish standard Adif (NAP 2-4-1.1 Inspección Principal Túneles).
It is referred to the DFO handbook for more details on what will be inspected, as well as how the inspection will be performed and equipment needed. A selection of providers that offer laser scanning are also included there.
- Intervall 24 md
- MyndighetsnivĂĄ Høy
- Type FV TK-V