Snøsmelteanlegg (SKI)
12 måneders intervall
Aktivitetsnummer: 1000
Påse at snøsmeltepumpen og motoren er ren og fri for støv.Kommentar
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, Ski Stasjon,
Overbygning, Platformer, Undergang, Reisetorg vest og
øst, Snøsmelteanlegg, FDVU dokumentasjon_UOS-90-A-56085_00DKommentar:
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
If the pump is installed in a dusty environment,
you need to clean and check it regularly.
- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1010
Trykktanker: Påse at ladetrykket i ekspansjonskaret har foreskrevet verdi. Påse at membran er i orden.Kommentar
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, Ski Stasjon,
Overbygning, Platformer, Undergang, Reisetorg vest og
øst, Snøsmelteanlegg, FDVU dokumentasjon_UOS-90-A-56085_00D
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals areKommentar:
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
If the pump is installed in a dusty environment,
you need to clean and check it regularly.
- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1020
Påse at avlastningsventilen fungerer som den skal (ingen drypping).Kommentar
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, Ski Stasjon,
Overbygning, Platformer, Undergang, Reisetorg vest og
øst, Snøsmelteanlegg, FDVU dokumentasjon_UOS-90-A-56085_00DKommentar:
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
If the pump is installed in a dusty environment,
you need to clean and check it regularly.
- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V
Aktivitetsnummer: 1030
Påse at varmeveksleren er ren.Kommentar
The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
Østfoldbanen V L (Oslo S) - Ski, Ski Stasjon,
Overbygning, Platformer, Undergang, Reisetorg vest og
øst, Snøsmelteanlegg, FDVU dokumentasjon_UOS-90-A-56085_00D
Kommentar:The pump is maintenance-free. Mechanical shaft seals are
maintenance-free, and are almost not prone to leakage. If significant
and increasing leakage occurs, check immediately the mechanical shaft
seal. If the sliding surfaces are damaged, replace the entire shaft
seal. Handle mechanical shaft seals with great care.
If the pump is installed in a dusty environment,
you need to clean and check it regularly.
- Intervall 12 md
- Type FV TK-V