3 Access Conditions
3.1 Introduction
This part provides an overview of the conditions and requirements for access to Bane NOR's railway network, including the legal and administrative conditions that must be met to use the infrastructure. The aim is to ensure that anyone wishing to operate on the network has the necessary information to plan and conduct train operations in compliance with current regulations.
Acts and regulations
Norwegian acts and regulations regarding railways are available on the Norwegian Railway Authority website sjt.no. Some of the acts and regulations have been translated into English. These translations are not official.
Other Norwegian acts and regulations are available on lovdata.no.
3.1.1 Access conditions by section COTIF
Norway is a party to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF), an international agreement that regulates the transport of goods and passengers by rail between member countries. This agreement is incorporated into Norwegian law through the COTIF Act.
CIM lines and CIV lines: On the Norwegian railway network, COTIF regulations apply to all railway lines. This means that both goods (under CIM rules) and passengers (under CIV rules) are transported in accordance with the COTIF agreement.
The Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF)(opens in a new tab), which administers COTIF, maintains updated lists of all railway and ferry lines where CIM and CIV rules apply to international rail transport. These lists are available through OTIF to ensure that railway transport operators have access to current information on the lines covered by the agreement. TEN – the trans-European conventional railway system
The Norwegian part of the trans-European conventional rail network rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network. includes the following lines:
- Østfoldbanen (Oslo–Moss–Kornsjø)
- Vestfoldbanen (Oslo–Drammen–Skien)
- Bratsbergbanen (Nordagutu–Skien)
- Kongsvingerbanen (Oslo–Kongsvinger–Charlottenberg)
- Sørlandsbanen (Oslo–Hokksund–Stavanger)
- Bergensbanen (Oslo–Hokksund–Hønefoss–Bergen) (Oslo–Roa–Hønefoss)
- Dovrebanen (Oslo–Dombås–Trondheim)
- Meråkerbanen (Trondheim–Storlien)
- Nordlandsbanen (Trondheim–Bodø)
- Ofotbanen (Narvik–Vassijaure)
3.2 General access requirements
The conditions for operating on the Norwegian railway network are established in Chapter 2 of the Railway Regulations.
3.2.1 Conditions for applying for capacity
To apply for railway infrastructure capacity in Norway, an organisation must meet certain criteria:
- Railway undertakings: Companies licensed to operate on the Norwegian railway network, provided they hold both a licence and a safety certificate for the relevant type of transport and line.
- Companies in the process of approval: Companies that have not yet received a licence and safety certificate but are in the process of obtaining them may also apply for infrastructure capacity. This ensures their participation in the capacity allocation capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process. Bane NOR may require such companies to demonstrate that they are likely to obtain the necessary approvals by the timetable consultation deadline, as specified in Chapter 4.5.
- Applicants: This includes railway undertakings, international groupings of railway undertakings, as well as individuals or legal entities with an interest in obtaining infrastructure capacity. Examples of such applicants include public authorities under Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007, as well as shippers, freight forwarders, and operators of combined transport, in accordance with Railway Regulations § 1-7 (p).
If an applicant an applicantA railway undertaking or an international association of railway undertakings or physical or legal persons, such as the competent authorities pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and shippers, forwarders, and operators in combined transport, who have a public service or commercial interest in being allocated infrastructure capacity, cf. Railway Regulations § 1-7 p. who is not a railway undertaking is allocated infrastructure capacity, they must designate a railway undertaking to carry out the transport. This railway undertaking must have entered into, or be in the process of entering into, an agreement with Bane NOR in accordance with Railway Regulations § 10-1. The applicant must designate this railway undertaking at least 30 days before the scheduled departure time from the departure station.
It is important to note that, according to Railway Regulations § 8-1 (2), the transfer of allocated capacity to others or for a different type of transport service is prohibited. When a railway undertaking provides transport services on behalf of an applicant who is not a railway undertaking, this is not considered a transfer. Access to enter the driver’s cab
Personnel carrying out inspections of lines for Bane NOR must be given access to driver’s cabs to the necessary extent. Bane NOR cannot demand such access if the railway undertaking has to reject this as a consequence of requirements in Acts or Regulations, or internal procedures that implement requirements in Acts or Regulations.
Railway undertakings must formulate their procedures for access to driver’s cabs in such a way that it is possible to conclude an agreement providing an inspector with space in a driver’s cab at short notice (less than one hour).
For its part, Bane NOR is responsible for ensuring that the inspector does not disrupt the train crew unnecessarily.
The reason for this requirement is to avoid reserving more infrastructure capacity than necessary for inspection and maintenance, and also to ensure that Bane NOR has a realistic view of visibility conditions for the train crew. Bane NOR's primary operating responsibility
According to Chapter 2 of the Working Environment Act, it is essential to ensure that employees are protected when multiple employers operate in the same workplace. Workers may be exposed to additional risks due to activities conducted by employers other than their own. Therefore, each employer must ensure that their operations are organised to also protect other workers in line with the Act's regulations. The responsibility for coordinating health and safety efforts lies with the principal company.
Principal Company Responsibility in Railway Operations:
- When personnel employed by a railway undertaking perform work related to sections managed by Bane NOR, Bane NOR is considered the principal company. For example, Bane NOR conducts line inspections together with railway undertakings.
- In areas of Bane NOR’s railway network that form a natural part of terminals, workshops, and shunting yards where no regular passenger or freight traffic occurs, the principal company responsibility lies with the entity responsible for the primary activity on site.
- The principal company at freight terminals is the organisation with the largest workforce at the terminal, or the organisation responsible for the main activity there. In cases of doubt, the organisation’s management authority, as well as any hierarchical relationships, are also taken into consideration.
3.2.2 Conditions for access to the railway infrastructure
According to Railway Regulations § 2-1, railway undertakings have the right to use the railway network, subject to the limitations set out in this provision and in Railway Regulations § 2-2. To operate on the railway network, a railway undertaking must hold both a licence and a safety certificate in accordance with the Licensing Regulations. Additionally, the railway undertaking must meet all other requirements set by Bane NOR for access to the railway network.
To exercise access rights, the railway undertaking must be a member of an industry association recognised by the Railway Directorate (JDIR JDIRA common abbreviation referring to the Norwegian Railway Directorate (Jernbanedirektoratet).), in accordance with Railway Regulations § 2-1 (4).
Access also includes necessary vehicle movements on the railway network, as well as test runs and operations related to training, in accordance with Railway Regulations § 2-1 (2).
3.2.3 Licences
The requirement for a licence for railway undertakings is described in Chapter 12 of the Railway Regulations. Licences are issued by the Norwegian railway authority (SJT). For more information and contact details, see the information below.
3.2.4 Safety Certificate
The safety certificate is regulated by Chapter 5 of the Safety Regulations (sikkerhetsforskriften). Safety certificates are issued either by the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) or the Norwegian railway authority (SJT).
Contact Statens jernbanetilsyn (SJT)
Website: sjt.no(opens in a new tab)
3.2.5 Insurance
In accordance with the Railway Regulations § 12-6, railway companies must have sufficient insurance or guarantees to cover liability for damages that may arise from their operations. This includes coverage for compensation claims in the event of accidents, particularly concerning passengers, luggage, freight, mail, and third parties. The minimum requirement for insurance coverage is 4,500 times the basic amount of the National Insurance Scheme (G) per incident.
In addition to the general requirements, Bane NOR imposes specific requirements for insurance or guarantees. This coverage must be sufficient to cover liabilities that the railway company, and any others for whom the railway company is responsible, may have towards Bane NOR. This includes damage to infrastructure, clean-up after operational accidents, requisition and rescue, as well as firefighting.
Bane NOR is insured in the private insurance market.
3.3 Contractual Arrangements
3.3.1 Framework conditions
Bane NOR may enter into framework agreements with applicants for the use of railway infrastructure for a period longer than one timetable period, as facilitated by the Railway Regulations Chapter 7 and EU Regulation 2016/545. Framework agreements must meet specified conditions, and Bane NOR follows a restrictive practice to ensure effective capacity utilization. New or amended agreements must be reported to the Norwegian railway authority (SJT) within four weeks. Framework agreements do not have priority in cases of conflicts and/or on congested routes; therefore, Bane NOR currently does not enter into new framework agreements on congested routes.
3.3.2 Contracts with railway undertakings
To access the smallest package of services offered by Bane NOR, the railway company must enter into an Agreement on track access and use of services Agreement on track access and use of servicesThe agreement between Bane NOR and railway undertakings concerning the use of the railway infrastructure and related services according toRailway Regulations, Section 10-1 and Network Statement annex 2.3.1. (AST) with Bane NOR, in accordance with the Railway Regulations § 10-1. See also Chapter 5.2.2.
It is not necessary to have entered into the AST before applying for routes, but the agreement must be in place for the routes to be allocated. The current AST can be found in Annex 3.3.2 Agreement on track access and use of services, and a printed copy can be ordered by contacting Bane NOR.
Contact Bane NOR
Format and Validity
The format of the AST may be changed, and new agreements can be entered into independently of the validity period for the Network Statement. No separate approval of the AST is required.
Rights and Services
The AST also grants the railway company the right to use the services offered by Bane NOR, as outlined in Railway Regulations §§ 4-2, 4-4, and 4-5. This includes access to the services mentioned. For services that Bane NOR offers but fall outside the scope of the AST and the Railway Regulations, a separate agreement must be made with Bane NOR.
For access to and use of services at other operators' service facilities, the railway company must contact the operator of the service facility. Access to tracks managed by Bane NOR, which lead to other operators' service facilities, is included in the smallest package of services; see a description in AST, Section 9.1.1.
3.3.3 Contracts with non-railway undertaking applicants
For applicants who are not railway companies, the following requirements apply when applying for infrastructure capacity from Bane NOR:
- No contract requirement: It is not necessary to enter into a contract with Bane NOR to apply for infrastructure capacity. However, applicants must follow the process established by Bane NOR and create access in Bane NOR’s systems before submitting the application. Access is only granted to applicants who meet the requirements specified in the Railway Regulations § 1-7 letter p).
- Designation of railway undertaking: In order to use the allocated infrastructure capacity, the applicant must designate one or more railway undertaking to perform the train operations, as per Railway Regulations § 8-2, first paragraph.
- No later than 30 days before train operations begin, the applicant must inform Bane NOR in writing which railway undertaking has been designated to carry out the train operations.
- If multiple railway undertakings are involved, the applicant must specify which company will handle each specific route lease within the same deadline.
- In case of a change in railway undertaking, the applicant must notify Bane NOR in writing no later than 30 days before the change takes effect.
- Agreement on track access and use of services Agreement on track access and use of servicesThe agreement between Bane NOR and railway undertakings concerning the use of the railway infrastructure and related services according toRailway Regulations, Section 10-1 and Network Statement annex 2.3.1. (AST): The railway company designated to perform the train operations must have entered into an AST with Bane NOR before train operations commence, and must meet all the requirements set out in the AST, as per AST Section 10.1.
- Responsibility for fees: Infrastructure charges and other railway-related fees must be paid by the railway company performing the train operations.
- If the railway company does not use the allocated capacity, it must pay a reservation fee according to Railway Regulations § 6-7. If the applicant has not designated a railway company, the applicant must pay the reservation fee.
- Joint liability: The applicant is jointly liable for claims that Bane NOR may have against the designated railway company, including claims arising from a breach of obligations under the AST or general liability rules.
- Revocation of route lease: Bane NOR may revoke the route lease if the applicant does not comply with legal or regulatory requirements, or Bane NOR’s conditions for the route lease. This also applies to conditions described in AST Section 11, paragraphs four to seven.
- Additional conditions: Bane NOR may also impose additional conditions on applicants based on the specific train operation. Such conditions will be specified in the decision regarding the allocation of route leases sent to the applicant.
3.3.4 General terms and conditions
The general terms and conditions set down by Bane NOR concerning use of the Norwegian rail network rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network. can be found in AST. The agreement may be found in Annex 3.3.2 Agreement on track access and use of services.
Bane NOR does not apply European General Terms and Conditions (EGTC).
3.4 Specific Access Requirements
3.4.1 Rolling stock acceptance
The Norwegian railway uuthority (SJT) gives permission to commission vehicles, in accordance with the Interoperability Regulations.
National technical requirements for vehicles are specified in the Vehicle Regulations.
Information on the process is available from SJT.
Vehicles used by Bane NOR, be they their own vehicles or hired machines used in connection with assignments being carried out for Bane NOR, must also have Bane NOR wagon labels with a valid JBV JBVAn abbreviation referring to the the former Norwegian national railway administration responsible for the infrastructure of the railway network technical inspection deadline (BN TKF) issued by Bane NOR.
Contact Statens jernbanetilsyn (SJT)
Website: sjt.no(opens in a new tab) Requirements for equipment in traction units
For drivers to have access to various control cabinets, such as crank boxes and control cabinets for level crossing barriers, all traction units must be equipped with CTC keys.
Keys must be requested from Bane NOR by sending an e-mail to logistikk@banenor.no.
The order must include the following information:
- order of CTC keys – “F no. 708 690 840”
- the orderer’s company name
- the orderer’s customer number at Bane NOR (or “new customer”)
- the orderer’s reference
- contact person (name and telephone number)
- number of keys
- invoice address
- delivery address.
Keys can be collected from: Bane NOR’s central inventories, Aurvegen 13, 2030 Nannestad, Norway.
The orderer must acknowledge receipt of CTC keys and is obliged to return them when they are no longer needed. Lost CTC keys must be reported to Bane NOR. Gas and smoke protection equipment on trains
To ensure safe evacuation of trains from dangerous areas in the event of a fire or gas leak, it is recommended that all trains are equipped with gas and smoke protection equipment.
Passenger trains should have two sets of this equipment:
- One set should be located on the traction unit, accessible to the driver.
- The other set should be with the train's other emergency equipment, for use by the other onboard personnel.
In units with two driver's cabins, there should be one set of gas and smoke protection equipment near each driver's cabin.
3.4.2 Staff acceptance
Drivers must have a driving licence issued by a national safety authority and a certificate issued by the railway undertaking. Bane NOR is not responsible for training or approval of drivers, on board staff or shunting personnel.
Requirements of relevance to drivers are specified in the Driver Regulations(opens in a new tab). Requirements of relevance to on-board staff and shunting personnel are specified in the Training Regulations and TSI-OPE.
3.4.3 Exceptional transport
Exceptional transport refers to the transportation of goods or units that require special measures or permits, according to the definition in UIC brochure 502-1, Article 1.3. Bane NOR uses this UIC definition to classify exceptional transports.
Bane NOR decides whether an exceptional transport can be permitted, and if so, under what conditions it can be carried out. Details on how exceptional transports are handled, including procedures and requirements, are further described in Chapter 4.7.
3.4.4 Dangerous goods
The transport of dangerous goods is governed through the Regulations on land transport of dangerous goods, including ADR/RID.
3.4.5 Test trains and other special trains
Test trains are subject to permission from the Norwegian railway authority (SJT) according to the Vehicle Regulations(opens in a new tab).
Contact Statens jernbanetilsyn (SJT)
Website: sjt.no(opens in a new tab)