
Term Definition
Agreement on Track Access and Use of Services The agreement between Bane NOR and railway undertakings concerning the use of the railway infrastructure and related services according toRailway Regulations, Section 10-1 and Network Statement annex 2.3.1.
An applicant A railway undertaking or an international association of railway undertakings or physical or legal persons, such as the competent authorities pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and shippers, forwarders, and operators in combined transport, who have a public service or commercial interest in being allocated infrastructure capacity, cf. Railway Regulations § 1-7 p.
ARBIS Bane NOR's electronic overview of railway technical planning requirements.
Assistance trains Trains for retrieving other trains that have become stranded on the line.
Base routes The schedule that applies for the majority of the operating day, during the hours of "normal traffic," meaning neither rush hour nor low traffic.
BEST-K Bane NOR's electronic system for infratsructure capacity application (routes and work on tracks) in the current timetable period (operative capacity allocation).
BEST-L Bane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process.
Border crossing The location where a cross-border railway connection transitions to another infrastructure manager. The term is used only when crossing a national border.
BTP BTP refers to the railway technical requirements, that is, the information about planned work on the railway tracks that affects train traffic.
Capacity allocation A collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these.
Consideration of temporary capacity restrictions (TCRs) An active dialogue about planned temporary capacity restrictions (TCRs) between Bane NOR, the major affected operators of service facilities, and applicants through formal communication channels. These channels may include meetings and the dissemination of written information, allowing recipients the opportunity to provide comments.
Coordination of temporary capacity restrictions (TCRs) Collaboration between Bane NOR and Trafikverket on planning temporary capacity restrictions (TCRs) affecting more than one railway network, aimed at optimizing the utilization of each TCR while minimizing traffic impacts.
Designated TCR A temporary capacity restriction (TCR) that involves renewal or upgrade of railway infrastructure, and which is scheduled with significant traffic impacts and/or scope designated by Bane NOR as a railway technical planning requirements.
ERA The European Union Agency for Railways
FIDO Bane NOR's electronic system for distribution of routes and other announcements
Firefighting train A train set equipped with extingguishing equipment.
JBV An abbreviation referring to the the former Norwegian national railway administration responsible for the infrastructure of the railway network
JDIR A common abbreviation referring to the Norwegian Railway Directorate (Jernbanedirektoratet).
KARI Bane NOR's automatic customer and traffic informastion system. Kari gathers data from various sources.
The National Transport Plan A parliamentary report prepared by the Ministry of Transport. The report presents the Government's transport policy and serves as a strategic plan for the development of the overall system for road, railway, air, and maritime transport.
Operative capacity allocation Allocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity.
ORV Bane NOR's operational regulations for railway personell
OSS A one stop shop is a single point of contact where multiple services or solutions can be obtained.
Performance scheme Arrangement intended to enhance performance from infrastructure managers and railway undertakings, in accordance with Railway Regulations § 6-6 and Agreement on Track Access and Use of Services (ATS) point 12.
Rail network The rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network.
RFC A Rail Freight Corridor is a designated international railway route across Europe that is optimized for freight transport.
Residual capacity Available (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable.
RNE RailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.
SJT – Statens jernbanetilsyn The Norwegian Railway Authority.
SJN – Track description of the railway The track description of the railway network is a digital description of the physical characteristics and technical parameters of a specific railway section.
Special transport A train is considered special transport when the weight of the load and/or total weight of the vehicle, metre weight, loading gauge or content, or other reasons require special precautionary measures during train operation.
T-n A deadline that refers to the day of commencement of temporary capacity restrictions (T) and the number of months (n) before this commencement date.
TCR Temporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network.
TJN Bane NOR's Traffic Rules for the Rail Network.
TRASÉ A digital infrastructure model.
X-n A deadline that refers to the day of commencement of a new timetable period (X) and the number of months (n) before this commencement date.