
Change Log

Overview of major changes in Network Statement 2025.

Valid from Edition Chapter Changes Published
15 Dec 2024

2025 Mark-ups on infrastructure charges

5.3.3 Minimum access package charges


The following segmentation categories:

  • Iron ore and similar transport with low price elasticity
  • Iron ore and similar transport with high price elasticity

have been updated to:

  • Iron ore and similar transport A
  • Iron ore and similar transport B

and a note has been added to the end of the chapter about SJT' notice of decision to Bane NOR regarding surcharges for 2024.

10 Oct 2024
15 Dec 2024


5.2.5 List of Marked Segments 

Chapter has been updated to clarify meening. 

10 Oct 2024
15 Dec 2024

2024 and 2025

Annex Dynamic Gauge

Document updated.

25 Sep 2024
6 Sep 2024



Consultation annexes Oslo Economics (2022), Basic charge, and Mark-ups, and Revised performance schemeArrangement intended to enhance performance from infrastructure managers and railway undertakings, in accordance with Railway Regulations § 6-6 and Agreement on Track Access and Use of Services (ATS) point 12. has been included in the annexes for Network Statament 2024. This change has been done to make the annexes easier to find. 

6 Sep 2024
15 Dec 2024

2025 The following forms of operation are exempt from infrastructure charges

A new bullet point has been added to the list: 

  • Operation for a non-profit purpose
22 Aug 2024
15 Dec 2024

2025 Mark-ups on infrastructure charges

The following bullet points:

  • Iron ore with low price elasticity
  • Iron ore with high price elasticity

have been updated to:

  • Iron ore and similar transport with low price elasticity
  • Iron ore and similar transport with high price elasticity
22 Aug 2024
15 Dec 2024


  • 5.3.3 Minimum access package charges
    • Table 3: Charges
    • Table 4: Example
    • Table 5: Example
  • Train heating posts
  • 5.7.1. Performance schemeArrangement intended to enhance performance from infrastructure managers and railway undertakings, in accordance with Railway Regulations § 6-6 and Agreement on Track Access and Use of Services (ATS) point 12.
    • Table 7:  Rates
    • Table 8: Market segments and thresholds
    • Table 9: Percentage change in charges
  • Charges
    • Table 2: Charge estimates applied to single-user stations in 2025
    • Table 3: Charges applied to multi-user stations in 2025
  • Charges
    • Table 5: Charges for access to intermodal/rail freight terminals
    • Table 6: Charges for access to timber terminals 
  • Charges
    • Table 11: Subscription charges for stabling/parking
    • Table 12: Charge per hour per commenced 100 metres of stock in NOK

Charges have been updated in accordance with Statistics Norway’s price index for the operation and maintenance of road systems.

22 Aug 2024
15 Dec 2024

2025 Charges based on direct costs—basic charge

Follobanen has been added to Table 1: Division of tracks in Norway. 

16 Aug 2024
15 Dec 2024

2024 and 2025

Annex Lines Vulnerable to Landslides and Avalanches

Table: Overview of avalanche facilities has been added. 

15 Dec 2024
15 Dec 2024

2024 and 2025 

Annex 2.3.13 Automatic Train Control Systems

Map has been updated. 

11 July 2024
15 Dec 2024 2025
  • 5.2.5 List of market segments
  • 5.6.4 Penalties for Path Cancellation

Text modified to clarify content. 

26 June 2024
24 June 2024 2024 and 2025 Entire document

Various changes in language and formatting in connection with the migration to a new platform. These changes do not affect the content, and include the removal or modification of:

  • Certain abbreviations (RU and IM for instance)
  • Sentence fragments
  • Inconsistent terminology
  • Punctuation
24 June 2024
24 June 2024 2024 and 2025 Annex 5 Service Catalogue The annex has been updated and renamed to 5 Access to Freight Terminals to clarify the annex' content and use.  24 June 2024
24 June 2024 2024 and 2025 Beredskapsplan for driftsulykker Text updated to reflect current practices. 24 June 2024
16 April 2024 2024 and 2025 Annex Dynamic Gauge Gauge has been updated: among other things, an error in a formula has been corrected.. 16 April 2024
15 March 2024 2025 4.6.3 Prioritisation criteria (in the event of congested infrastructure) Text updated in accordance to Bane NOR's practices in the R24 capacity aloocation process. 15 March 2024
13 March 2024 2025 4.5.2 Late annual timetable path requests PCS has been changed to Best-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process.. 13 March 2024
5 Feb 2024 2024 and 2025 Unforseen problems Text updated to reflect current practices. 5 Feb 2024
15 Jan 2024 2025 Schedule for considering TCRs in the phases Long-term Capacity Planning and Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. Schedule has been updated. 15 Jan 2024
15 Dec 2024 2025 Unforseen problems Link to Handbook has been updated.  21 Dec 2023
15 Dec 2024 2025 Sections with centralised traffic control Due to technical issues updated tect from the 2024-version was omitted in the 2025-version. The text has now been added. 14 Dec 2023
15 Dec 2024 2025 2.4.4 Tunnels  Text updated to clarify content.  8 Dec 2023