Connecting railway networks
Node: Porsgrunn (Bratsbergbanen)
More information
- Industrial track
- Length: approximately 2 km
- Side track not in use per 2 Nov 2002.
Norsk Hydro
Node: Vikersund (Randsfjordbanen)
Buskerudmuseet, department Krøder Line
3535 Krøderen
Additional information
- Museum railway on the Vikersund–Krøderen section.
- Length: Approximately 26 km.
- Axle load: 11 tonnes.
- Rail weight: 5 tonnes.
- Not electrified
- The track is normally not plowed during winter and therefore will typically not be passable between the first major snowfall and early May each year.
Node: Tinnoset (Bratsbergbanen)
Additional information
The line consists of the ferry stretch Tinnoset–Mæl (30 km) and the railway section Mæl–Rjukan (16 km).
Ferry section
- Track length M/F 'Storegut': 156 metres.
- Minimum curve radius: 150 metres.
- Axle load: 22.5 tonnes.
Railway section
- Axle load: 22.5 tonnes.
- Electrified industrial track but permanently disconnected converter.
- KL masts and overhead wires intact.
- Tourist traffic in the summer season.
Side track Tunestveit–Midttun
Node: Tunestveit railroad switch (Bergensbanen, km. 459,36).
The NJK Museum The Old Voss Line
Postboks 638 Sentrum
5807 Bergen
Additional information
The track is listed and in use as a heritage railway. It is 21.5 km long with an axle load of 18 tonnes, not electrified. Minimum curve radius is 180 metres.
The lines are owned by the state through Bane NOR. Due to lack of traffic, the infrastructure is not maintained. Periodically, maintenance is carried out as necessary for Bane NOR to conduct inspections with suitable measuring cars. Reopening of traffic will be further negotiated with Bane NOR. It should be expected that reopening will take time. Upon reopening, Bane NOR may require the railway undertaking to bear the costs associated with reopening.
Node: Notodden (Bratsbergbanen)
Contact Bane NOR OSS
Additional informastion
- The track is listed.
- Length: 30 km long.
Numedalsbanen, section Rollag–Rødberg
Node: Kongsberg (Sørlandsbanen)
Contact Bane NOR OSS
Additional information
- The track is listed.
- Freight and passenger traffic suspended by parliamentary decision in 1989.
- Length: approximately 45 km.
Ålgårdbanen, section Ganddal–Figgjo–Ålgård
Node: Ganddal (Jærenbanen)
Contact Bane NOR OSS
Additional information
- Closed by parliamentary decision in 1988.
- Length:approximately 12 km.
- Track exists, but is broken at Figgjo (after 9 km).
Contact Bane NOR OSS
Flekkefjordbanen, stretch Sira–Flekkefjord
Additional information
- The track is listed.
- Closed by parliamentary decision in 1991.
- Length: approximately 17 km.
- The track is maintained.
- The track's construction profile is smaller than the standard profile for the national railway network.
- Axle load: 11 tonnes
- Not electrified.
Valdresbanen, section Eina–Dokka (north of Røste)
Additional information
- Length: 47 km.
Valdresbanen, section Dokka–Bjørgo
Additional information
- Closed by parliamentary decision in 1989.
- Length: approximately 51 km.
- Track exists.
Namsos Line, section Skogmo–Namsos
Additional information
Node: Grefsen (Gjøvikbanen)
Sporveien Oslo AS
PB 2857 Tøyen, 0608 Oslo NO
Website: in a new tab)
Additional information
- Connection tracks for transferring rail maintenance equipment and suburban train carriages between workshop/production site and operating site.
- Rolling stock with wheel profiles adapted to Sporveien's tram network may, under specific conditions, be operated on Bane NOR's rail network.
- Rolling stock with wheel profiles adapted to Bane NOR's rail network normally cannot be operated on Sporveien's tram network.