Valid from 15 December 2024

Communication Systems GSM-R

GSM-R is the communication system used as train radio and for emergencies.

GSM–R, "GSM for Rail," is based on the mobile standard GSM and is tailored to the railway's specific functions and strict requirements for safety and availability. This is a common European communication system that facilitates international train traffic and interoperability, streamlining railway operations, and providing new services for users. Interoperability

GSM-R Interoperability is the ability for foreign GSM-R radios accessing the Norwegian network to function as prescribed.

Terminals intended for use in the Norwegian GSM-R network must meet the requirements stated in Chapter

Terminals with foreign SIM cards are expected to function in the same manner as those with a Bane NOR Network SIM card. Services available to terminals with foreign SIM cards should be similar to those available with a Bane NOR Network SIM card.

The EIRENE specifications provide the framework for interoperability (for mobile communications). They support the EU Directive on Trans-European High-Speed Rail NetworkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., along with other specifications being developed by UIC.

At the highest level, there is the Interoperability Directive (96/48/EC), which establishes the overall framework and must be implemented into national law by each of the member states. The Interoperability Directive refers to a set of Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs). The TSIs provide more detailed descriptions of the provisions for the systems they refer to. Of particular interest for radio communication systems is the TSI Control Command. Roaming

Subscribers of other GSM-R operators in Europe will have access to roam on the Norwegian GSM-R network if the foreign operator has an agreement with Bane NOR for roaming.

Foreign subscribers roaming on the Norwegian GSM-R network will have access to the same services as Bane NOR subscribers. Coverage

All routes in the Norwegian railway network, including all tunnels, have GSM-R coverage. The entire network meets the coverage requirements in the EIRENE SRS. General GSM-R Features

General GSM-R services are regular telephony/data services known from traditional mobile telephony and form the basis for other specialized services.

Voice Communication

The service ensures ordinary call setup and transmission of voice and signaling information between subscribers. The service must also meet the requirements and guidelines given by Norwegian authorities for civilian emergency calls.


The service ensures the transmission of SMS to and from a message handling center (SMSC) and a mobile terminal.

Circuit-Switched Data

The Norwegian GSM-R network supports circuit-switched data communication BS26. This has a data rate of 9.6 kbit/s. The service must be ordered, approved, and activated for each subscription.


The Norwegian GSM-R network supports the GPRS service. The service must be ordered, approved, and activated for each subscription. Specific GSM-R Features

Specific GSM-R services are services adapted specifically for railway operations. This includes services designed to support reliable and efficient communication between train controllers and operating trains.

Emergency Communication

This service ensures the transmission of high-priority calls to inform train drivers, train controllers, and other relevant personnel about hazardous situations in a predefined area, with the aim of averting unwanted incidents.

Call Prioritization

This service ensures correct prioritization of calls in the GSM-R network.

Functional Numbers

The service allows a B subscriber to be addressed/called up via the subscriber's functional role instead of the number associated with their mobile terminal. The A subscriber enters a functional number, and the network will determine the MSISDN (Mobile Station ISDN Number) for the SIM where the functional number is active.

Group Call

The service ensures that it is possible to set up a group call in half-duplex mode between multiple subscribers in a predefined group.


The service offers one-way communication for notification and announcement of messages between an initiator and a group of subscribers.

Call Recording (Voice Recording)

All calls to/from a GSM-R terminal are stored in a voice recorder for later playback if a specific event/accident requires documentation of related calls during this time period.

Call Confirmation (Acknowledgement)

For emergency calls, the terminal at both the call initiator and all call recipients will provide a notification/acknowledgment to an Acknowledgement center in the GSM-R network. In the Acknowledgement center, these messages will be stored for later retrieval if a specific event/accident requires documentation of related calls during this time period.

Train Controller and TXP Services

Voice and messaging services in the GSM-R network that ensure that train control centers and TXP have access to all services in the GSM-R network. Requirements for GSM-R Equipment

GSM-R equipment and software must have a valid European conformity certificate issued by a technical control body documenting that the equipment and software comply with EU Directive 2008/57/EC and Control Command and Signalling Subsystems – CCS TSI Commission Decision 2012/88/EU and all underlying specifications.

Only approved GSM-R terminals must be used, and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the equipment used is always approved.

Therefore, Bane NOR recommends that users contact their suppliers for updated information regarding approval. GSM-R Subscription

To access the GSM-R network, the terminal must have a SIM card installed. The SIM card contains information about the services to which access is provided depending on the terminal's function. For example, there is a separate profile for Train Radio Terminal with the locomotive engineer (cab-radio), handheld terminals, and for ERTMS. When ordering a subscription (SIM card), the intended use must be specified. Customer Registration

Before a customer can use the GSM-R network, a customer relationship must be established between the customer and Bane NOR. This is done by the customer filling out a Customer Form. The form must be completed, signed, and sent to Bane NOR's operations center (NOS), see chapter for contact information.

The customer form will define organizational information along with billing address. Each registered customer will receive an invoice for the subscriptions associated with them. If an organization consists of multiple units that want their own invoice, a master customer agreement can be established, and the internal units registered as sub-customers. The sub-customers are also registered with the customer form, but it is important to specify Department/Unit.

In addition to this, the following is defined in the customer form:

  • Contact person.
  • Who will have authority to perform various orders related to subscriptions.
  • Error reporting point, which will be 1st line support for the customer's users of GSM-R. This contact point shall receive and, if necessary, forward errors regarding GSM-R to Bane NOR's operations center, which becomes 2nd line support for the users unless otherwise agreed.
  • Expected number of subscriptions going forward so that it can be considered to reserve a number series for the customer.

When Bane NOR's operations center receives the customer form, the customer will be registered in the customer and subscription system, and the customer will be assigned a customer number, which is used for all inquiries related to subscription/SIM card.

Everyone authorized by the Norwegian Railway Authority to operate railway activities must be registered as a customer when they want to obtain SIM cards to use GSM-R. For an overview of who this applies to, see the URL below. In addition, separate entities within Bane NOR can order a GSM-R subscription.

If there is a request from customers outside of what is defined above, and these state that they are required to have a GSM-R radio as train radio or emergency communication, this must be ordered by the contracting authority, which is either the train company or the unit in Bane NOR they perform the task for.

If an operator hires train sets from abroad for a shorter period and the owner of the train set is not on the list of the Norwegian Railway Authority, SIM cards can be ordered from NOS by the party renting the train set. This party must be registered as a customer in the system, and the customer ordering a subscription will be responsible for the subscription/SIM card.

Only when a customer relationship has been established between the customer and Bane NOR will the customer have the opportunity to order SIM cards for the GSM-R network.

Changes in the customer relationship must be reported in writing to the operations centre (NOS). Ordering/SIM Card

SIM cards can be ordered either for new users or for existing ones, for example, in case of faults with SIM cards. In both cases, the Subscription Form is used.

The form is completed, signed, and sent to Bane NOR's operations centre (NOS), see Chapter for contact information. Please note that there is typically a 2-week delivery time for SIM card orders. Longer lead times may be required for larger orders.

If changes and updates are needed, Bane NOR's operations centre (NOS) will update the content on the user's SIM card. Updates will be made either directly using a card reader or over the air using SMS.

The update method depends on whether we have physical access to the SIM card or not. For updates not initiated by the user, the operations centre will contact the user before running the update.

SIM Cards for ERTMS

SIM cards for ERTMS have a separate profile and must be ordered specifically. Each vehicle has two modems and requires two SIM cards.

Test and Training SIM Cards

NOS also has the option to lend out special SIM cards intended for testing and training. The content of these SIM cards differs slightly from regular SIM cards. Therefore, the use of such test and training cards will not disturb regular users of the GSM-R network. Please contact the operations centre if you wish to borrow SIM cards for testing or training, see Chapter for contact information. National Operations Centre (NOS)

Bane NOR's operations centre for GSM-R, NOS, is located at Marienborg in Trondheim. Here, GSM-R and other track-related infrastructure are monitored and operated. The operations centre is staffed 24/7/365.

Contact National Operations Centre (NOS)


Posttal address
Bane NOR v/ NOS brukerstøtte
Postboks 6166 Torgarden,

Visitor address
Osloveien 105, Marienborg, Trondheim

More information

Faksnummer: +47 73 41 01 11 User Support

Bane NOR's operations centre offers round-the-clock user support 365 days a year to users of GSM-R.

Bane NOR's Internal Users

Bane NOR's operations centre serves as 1st line support for this category of users. Internal users direct all inquiries directly to the operations centre.

Users from External Traffic Operators

For users from external traffic operators, the operations centre will act as 2nd line support. Therefore, users should initially contact their respective operational centres. These will handle the inquiry themselves or, if necessary, route it further to the operations centre.

User support can handle the following:

  • General questions and inquiries about GSM-R.
  • Fault reporting regarding GSM-R.
  • Ordering GSM-R subscriptions (SIM cards).
  • Blocking subscriptions (SIM cards) to prevent unauthorised use.
  • Blocking can only be done by the person authorised in the Customer Form. Requests for blocking/unblocking are made by phone.
  • PIN/PUK code: User support can assist with unlocking a locked SIM card. Users must be able to identify themselves according to authorisation to perform this.
  • Notification of planned and unforeseen operational deviations on services and infrastructure in the GSM-R network.