
4 Capacity Allocation

4.1 Introduction

Cf. the Norwegian Railway Regulations, Chapters 8, 9 and 10.

This part describes the Bane NOR process for allocation of capacity for train paths and services, as well as Bane NOR’s need for track access in order to operate, maintain and construct railway infrastructure. Allocation of services refers to services in accordance with Chapters 5.3 and 7.3.

Customers and Marketing, Timetable is the owner and specialist in charge of the Allocate infrastructure capacity process ( capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process).

Bane NOR’s decisions regarding allocation of infrastructure capacity are done on an individual basis. This is applicable when distributing infrastructure capacity to railway undertakings and to other applicants.

4.1.1 Stakeholders involved in the capacity allocation process

  • RailNetEurope ( RNERailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.) – establishes dates for the timetable period.
  • Bane NOR – in its capacity as capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. authority (infrastructure manager).
  • OSSA one stop shop is a single point of contact where multiple services or solutions can be obtained. – which can assist railway undertakings with queries linked to applying for infrastructure capacity. Cf. Chapter 1.6.2.
  • Railway undertakings and other applicants.
  • The Norwegian Railway Authority (SJT) – appeals authority for Bane NOR’s capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.

4.1.2 Activities and timeline of the capacity allocation process

The process begins five years (also referred to as “X-60,” indicating the number of months) before a new timetable period is initiated and consists of recurring activities for the planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity.

Process of capacity allocation. Illustration.

Figure 1: The steps in the infrastructure capacity allocation process.

4.2 General Description of the Process

4.2.1 Long-term capacity planning Capacity assessment

Bane NOR will conduct capacity assessments and prepare capacity improvement plans, for both internal assessment tasks and regulatory assessment tasks.

The objective includes the assessment of:

  • whether new or amended railway infrastructure provides adequate capacity
  • consequences on capacity/resilience in the event of changes to routes and/or vehicles
  • consistency and completeness of anticipated/planned train services
  • measures for the optimisation of capacity in connection with developments (phase plans)
  • consequences on energy supply/traction network in the event of changes to infrastructure, route models and vehicles Capacity planning

Bane NOR shall coordinate the need for track access for the operation, maintenance and development of new railway infrastructure and the railway undertaking’s reported needs for timetable models and/or use of new types of vehicles. The purpose is to standardise quality assurance and coordination of the need for changes to existing base routesThe schedule that applies for the majority of the operating day, during the hours of "normal traffic," meaning neither rush hour nor low traffic./models, future infrastructure capacity and/or adapted railway infrastructure capacity for new vehicle types.

Planning shall commence no later than 60 months (X-60) before the commencement of the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process. Reported capacity requirements shall not be binding during the planning phase but must ensure good quality in reported capacity requirements.

Regular dialogue meetings must be convened between Bane NOR and applicants, as well as any other external stakeholders, to ensure that any input to the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process is assessed and of satisfactory quality. Feasibility studies

Bane NOR offers to carry out feasibility studies for applicants requiring information about changes to the timetable, expected running time for specific types of trains or expected running time between specific connections, technical compatibility between rolling stock and railway infrastructure, etc.

In order for Bane NOR to carry out feasibility studies, the study requester must contact Bane NOR to agree requirements for necessary information.

The applicant’s request for a feasibility study is not considered to be an application for infrastructure capacity. Communicated results of the feasibility study are not binding for Bane NOR during the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process. Routes based on the results of the feasibility study must be applied for in the usual way.

To verify whether a new vehicle can be operated on the rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., Bane NOR offers the applicant the opportunity to simulate operation of the vehicle in a computer program. Estimation of basic running time for (new) vehicle types

If requested, Bane NOR can estimate the basic running times of various new types of rolling stock. Bane NOR has the relevant information about the route to be serviced. Whoever requests these services must make information pertaining to specific rolling stock available, including:

Traction properties for towing unit(s) Mass distribution on towing/non-towing axles

  • Length of rolling stock
  • Deceleration characteristics
  • Speed limits for the rolling stock

4.2.2 Annual capacity allocation

Activities for coordinating and allocating infrastructure capacity in the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.

The annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. is carried out in accordance with guidelines specified in laws and regulations, in addition to guidelines described in this document.

Table 1: Main activities for the annual capacity allocation:

Phases Activity Person responsible  When 
Update planning criteria
(Preparation phase –
X-12 – X-9)
Notice of commencement of the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.
The notice should be considered a supplement to the Network Statement.
Head of Timetable,
Traffic Division
12 months 
Launch BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process. for the submission of applications. Manager, BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process. planning systems, Traffic Division 10 months

Convene start-up meeting with railway undertakings and those responsible for infrastructure and traffic management. The main topics for the meeting are:

  • review of the assumptions that form the basis for applications and allocation of infrastructure capacity
  • schedule for the implementation of the process.
Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 9 months
Allocate infrastructure capacity
(Construction phase –
X-8 – X-3 ½)
Receive applications from railway undertakings and other applicants by the set deadline (midnight on the second Monday of April).
Any applications received after the ordinary deadline will be processed after the timetable has been established.
Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 8 months
Design train paths based on received applications and compile these into a new draft timetable. Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 8–5 months
Submit the new draft timetable to all external and internal stakeholders for consultation.
The consultation period is 4 (four) weeks.
Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 5 months
Receive and review consultation comments. Revise the new draft timetable if necessary. Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 4 1/2 months
Convene a dialogue meeting (timetable meeting) with all stakeholders for review of general comments from the consultation. Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 4 months
Receive and review any comments after the dialogue meeting has been completed. Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 3 1/2 months
Implement timetable
(Implementation phase –
X-3 – X-2)
The timetable will be finalised once every calendar year. This consists of determining allocated national and cross-border train paths, as well as the capacity reserved for work on tracks ( TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network.) during the upcoming timetable period. Head of Timetable, Traffic Division 3 months
The finalised timetable is quality-controlled and transferred to the defined data interfaces for publication. The consideration of applications submitted after the ordinary deadline concludes and the updated timetable is published. Manager, Annual Capacity AllocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these., Timetable, Traffic Division 1 months

4.2.3 Operative Capacity Allocation

Operative Capacity AllocationAllocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity. deals with applications for temporary or permanent amendments to the timetable, detailing and implementation of technical planning requirements for track and allocation of residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable.. The capacity is allocated in the order in which the applications are received.

Applications for infrastructure capacity in the Operative Capacity AllocationAllocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity. must be submitted through Bane NOR’s system for applications in the Operative Capacity AllocationAllocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity. ( BEST-KBane NOR's electronic system for infratsructure capacity application (routes and work on tracks) in the current timetable period (operative capacity allocation).).

If there is a need to make a temporary change to the timetable within the same operating day, the application must be addressed directly to the train controller and not submitted in BEST-KBane NOR's electronic system for infratsructure capacity application (routes and work on tracks) in the current timetable period (operative capacity allocation)..

Table 2: Main activities for operative capacity allocation:

Number Activity Implementer
1 Receive application from railway undertaking for temporary changes to the timetable (TPRT) Operational wagon router/train controller
2 Receive application from infrastructure manager for work on and beside tracks (TPRT) Operational wagon router/train controller
3 Receive application from railway undertaking for residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. Operational wagon router/train controller
4 Receive application from infrastructure manager for residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. Operational wagon router/train controller
5 Coordinate applications, prepare and distribute announcements Operational wagon router/train controller

4.2.4 Requirements for applications

  1.  Train path applications in the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. must be submitted through Bane NOR’s system for applications in the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. ( BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process.) in accordance with the set deadlines shown in Chapter Schedule.
  2. Capacity applications for services and service facilities must be enclosed with the application using a separate form, see Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
  3. Plans for track access for operation, maintenance and construction of new railway infrastructure (TPRT) must be entered in Bane NOR’s system for an overview of work on tracks ( ARBISBane NOR's electronic overview of railway technical planning requirements.) in accordance with set deadlines as shown in Chapter Schedule.
  4. Path Coordination System (PCS)(opens in a new tab) is a web-based communication tool developed to optimise the coordination of lines in international traffic. The tool can be used free of charge. As a member of the international association of infrastructure managers, RailNetEurope ( RNERailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.), Bane NOR is obliged to use the tool for international timetable work if applications are registered. Cross-border traffic (including Norwegian lines) may be looked up using this tool.

RailNetEurope ( RNERailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.) has defined international corridors for freight service. Pre-planned train paths are being prepared for these corridors and will be published in PCS on 11 January 2021. These train paths can be looked up using PCS only. The application deadline is the same as for national train paths. Information can be found at  scanmedfreight.eu(opens in a new tab).

Further information concerning international collaboration and coordination of applications for infrastructure capacity can be found in Chapters 1.6–1.7.

4.2.5 Requirements for route application contents

Applications must take the form of a complete route proposal. If Bane NOR is to be able to verify and/or design the route, the application must contain the minimum information required, see table below.

Table 3: Overview of the minimum requirements in route applications

Information Passenger trains Empty trains Freight trains Light engines

Train number 

(Train numbers are assigned by Bane NOR, unless stated otherwise in the application)

x x x x
Train category x x x x
Train type x      
Line number (see table in Chapter x      
Product code (see table in Chapter x   x  
Running days/dates x x x x
Route, from - to x x x x


Departure/arrival time

Proposed departure time from the rail-head station, possibly proposed arrival time at the terminal station if this is to be given priority


x x x x


Stopping patterns and activities

  • With minimum stopping time needed
x x x x

Suggested location for replacement of personnel

  • With minimum stopping time needed
x x x x
Type of vehicle x x x x


Need further assistance locomotive

  • State section


x x x  
Determinative running speed x x x x


Train size

  • Passenger trains – the number of standard stock units and total length in metres
  • Freight trains – the coupled train weight, total length in metres and axle load
x x x x
Temporary rolling stock turning x x x x
Documentation on permission to use a new vehicle type x x x x
Terminal capacity requirements     x  
Need for stabling capacity x x x x

Requirements for access to other services and service facilities

(If the need refers to a location which has no train heating system at the time of submitting the application, this should be specifically highlighted and ordered separately from ruteplan@banenor.no)

x x x x

After the application deadline for the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. has passed, Bane NOR may contact the applicant if the application is deemed to be incorrect or incomplete. In case of such enquires, it is important that the applicant responds quickly to avoid delays in the allocation process. If a response is not submitted by the deadline specified in the enquiry, Bane NOR may, after issuing a reminder, reject all or parts of the application for train paths. Use of special vehicles

  • When using special vehicles (demonstration rolling stock, steam locomotives, etc.), the vehicle’s performance on gradients must also be specified.
  • If there is a need for “technical breaks” along the way (for lubrication, inspection, filling with water, and so forth.), the duration of the break must be stated, along with the greatest distance between technical breaks, in kilometres. Phasing-in new vehicles

If a new vehicle is to be introduced on a route and this vehicle’s performance or capacity is a necessary condition for running this route, the necessary vehicle approval and technical data must be obtained by the time of the infrastructure capacity application. Alternatively, railway undertakings must make it clear that the permit application process is in progress and that such a permit will be available before the timetable is established.

If a new vehicle is intended to replace another vehicle on existing routes, it is recommended that RUs apply for infrastructure capacity suitable for both existing and new vehicles.

The reason for this provision is that the train’s operating characteristics may have a very large impact on the national rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., which mainly consists of single tracks and has many steep gradients. Line number

Table 4: Line number
Line Route
F1 Oslo–Stockholm 
F4 Bergen–Oslo
L4 Bergen–Arna
R40 Bergen–Myrdal
R45 Myrdal–Flåm
F5 Stavanger–Oslo
L5 Stavanger–Egersund
R50 Nelaug–Arendal
R55 Notodden–Porsgrunn
F6 Trondheim–Oslo
R60 Hamar–Trondheim
R65 Dombås–Åndalsnes
F7 Trondheim–Bodø
R70 Steinkjer–Støren
R71 Trondheim–Storlien
R75 Bodø–Rognan
F8 Narvik–Luleå/Stockholm
R80  Narvik–Abisko/Kiruna
RE10 Lillehammer–Drammen
RE11 Eidsvoll–Skien
RE15 Oslo S–Skien
R12 Eidsvoll–Kongsberg
R13 Dal–Drammen
R14 Kongsvinger–Asker
L1 Lillestrøm–Spikkestad
RE20 Oslo S–Halden/Gøteborg
R21 Stabekk–Moss
R22 Skøyen–Mysen/Rakkestad
R23 Oslo S–Ski (Follobanen)
L2 Stabekk–Ski
RE30 Gjøvik–Oslo S
R31 Jaren–Oslo S
FLY1 Oslo S–Oslo Lufthaven (Gardermoen)
FLY2 Drammen–Oslo Lufthaven (Gardermoen) Product codes

Table 5: Product codes
Code Code description Definition
A1 Other industrial trains Other industrial trains (aviation fuel, oxygen, propane, military transport, and so on.)
A2 Work trains and transport trains Work trains and transport trains - requested by Bane NOR
A3 Freight trains Freight trains requested by Bane NOR
H1 OSL GAR Transport to Oslo Gardermoen Airport
K1 Combination and wagonload trains Combination and wagonload trains
M1 Ore and minerals Ore and minerals
P1 Other PT Other passenger trains (Flåm Line, trains to/from Sweden)
T1 Traffic package 1/SB Traffic package 1 / Sørland Line
T2 Trafic package 2 / North Trafic package 2 / North
T3 Trafic package  3 / BB Trafic package 3 /Bergen Line
T4 Eastern Norway 1 Directly allocated service obligation, Eastern Norway 1
T5 Eastern Norway 2 Directly allocated service obligation, Eastern Norway 2
Tn Other passenger trains agreed with the Norwegian Railway Directorate Other passenger train agreements with the Norwegian Railway Directorate paid for by the Norwegian Railway Directorate
W1 Timber and woodchip trains Combined timber/woodchip trains (includes wagons for both timber and woodchip)
W2 Timber Pure timber trains
W3 Woodchip Pure woodchip trains

4.2.6 Requirements for information about service facilities in applications

Applications for infrastructure capacity for service facilities must be submitted through Bane NOR’s system for applications in the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. ( BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process.) in accordance with the set deadlines shown in Chapter Schedule.

If Bane NOR is to be able to allocate infrastructure capacity for service facilities, the application must include the required minimum information, see table below.

Table 6: Overview of the minimum requirements for service facility applications

Service Facility Type Content Requirements for Applications
Passenger stations Stopping patterns and activities, including minimum stopping time needed (see Chapter 4.2.5)
Freight terminals See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity.
Timber terminals See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
Railway yards See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
Stabling sidings See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
Maintenance facilities/workshops See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
Other technical facilities Not applicable
Port facilities See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity
relief facilities To be agreed with operational traffic management as needed
Refuelling facilities See Annex Application for Infrastructure Capacity

After the application deadline for the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. has passed, Bane NOR may contact the applicant if the application is deemed to be incorrect or incomplete. In case of such enquires, it is important that the applicant responds quickly to avoid delays in the allocation process. If a response is not submitted by the deadline specified in the enquiry, Bane NOR may, after issuing a reminder, reject all or parts of the application for infrastructure capacity for service facilities.

4.3 Reserving Capacity for Temporary Capacity Restrictions

4.3.1 General Principles
Cf. Annex IV to the Railway Regulations Capacity restrictions that have an impact on traffic

Bane NOR publishes known temporary capacity restrictions in accordance with Annex IV to the Railway Regulations. These capacity restrictions constitute part of the prerequisites for the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process, including accessibility and speeds in the rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network.. Reported needs are not binding for Bane NOR during the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.

Final track access requirements must be applied for in the usual way via the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these.. If a capacity restriction causes track interruptions between two stations/terminals in the original section, the applicants wishing to operate trains between these stations/terminals are encouraged to apply for routes using alternative track sections.

All applications for infrastructure capacity and services using the operational capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. (ad-hoc) process must be adapted to the established plan for temporary capacity restrictions.

TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. is the European abbreviation for temporary capacity restrictions and Bane NOR has elected to adopt the abbreviation for the purpose of making information relating to temporary restrictions in capacity more readable. TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. will therefore refer to temporary restrictions in capacity in the following text. Categorisation of temporary capacity restrictions, TCR

Table 7: Categorisation of TCRs
TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. Category Consecutive Days 


Impact on service - 
Proportion of traffic volume cancelled, diverted or replaced by other modes of transport


TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. with very high impact >30 consecutive days >50 % of the estimated traffic volume in the section/station/terminal
TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. with high impact >7 consecutive days >30 % of the estimated traffic volume in the section/station/terminal
TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. with moderate impact ≤7 consecutive days >50 % of the estimated traffic volume in the section/station/terminal
TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. with low impact ≤ 1 day >10 % of the estimated traffic volume in the section/station/terminal

4.3.2 Deadlines and Information Provided to Applicants

The consultation period (M-12) for reviewing reported temporary capacity restrictions will take place during the 20/12/2022-15/02/2023 period.

Dialogue meetings relating to reviewing comments will be conducted between 15/02/2023 and 15/03/2023.

Bane NOR will publish the results of the consultation period and dialogue meetings on 10/04/2023. After 10/04/2023, the TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. categories “very high” and “high” impact published in ARBISBane NOR's electronic overview of railway technical planning requirements. may be changed only through dialogue with affected applicants.

Bane NOR will conduct consultations on temporary capacity restrictions with moderate and little impact on traffic in accordance with the timetable in Chapter 4.5 – comments must be provided via  ARBIS(opens in a new tab).

Temporary restrictions in capacity will be published in ARBIS(opens in a new tab) in accordance with Section 8 of Annex IV to the Railway Regulations. Schedule for the consideration of temporary capacity restrictions, TCR

Table 8: Schedule for the consideration of  TCRs
From To Process/Activity
M-60 M-24 During the period 60-24 months before the commencement date for known TCRs with high and very high impact, Bane NOR will consult affected applicants concerning the restrictions.
  M-24 No later than 24 months before the commencement date for known TCRs with high and very high impact, such TCRs must be published for the first time.
M-60 M-18 No later than 18 months before the commencement date for known TCRs with very high impact that will affect more than one rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., Bane NOR must coordinate such TCRs with the directly affected infrastructure managers and any other infrastructure managers that may be affected by the diversion of trains.
M-60 M-13,5 No later than 13 months and 15 days before the commencement date for known TCRs with moderate and high impact that will affect more than one rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., Bane NOR must coordinate such TCRs with directly affected infrastructure managers and any other infrastructure managers that may be affected by the diversion of trains.
M-24 M-12 During the period 24-12 months before the commencement date for known TCRs with high and very high impact, Bane NOR will consult affected applicants concerning the restrictions.
  M-12 No later than 12 months before the commencement date for known TCRs with high and very high impact, such TCRs must be published for the second time.
M-12 M-6,5 When Bane NOR, no later than 6 months and 15 days before the commencement date for TCRs with low impact, becomes aware of such TCRs, Bane NOR must consult affected applicants about the anticipated TCRs and update these accordingly.
  M-4 No later than 4 months before the commencement date for TCRs with low impact, any changes to the timetable must be communicated to passenger train companies.
  M-1 No later than 1 month before the commencement date for TCRs with low impact, any changes to the timetable must be communicated to freight train companies.

When TCRs with a high and very high impact are published for the first time and such TCRs affect more than one rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., Bane NOR must discuss these TCRs with the affected infrastructure managers, interested applicants and the largest affected service facilities operators. This is for the purpose of improving timetables, including offers of alternative train paths. The discussion may be omitted provided that the applicants and infrastructure managers agree that such a discussion is not necessary.

When TCRs with high and very high impact are published for the first time, Bane NOR must consult applicants and the largest affected service facilities operators about such capacity restrictions. When Bane NOR and affected infrastructure managers coordinate TCRs with high and very high impact at M-18 and M-13.5 that affect more than one rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network., infrastructure managers must consult applicants and the largest service facilities operators again following coordination and before the second publication of capacity restrictions.

Bane NOR will provide details of the offered train paths no later than 4 months before the TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. commencement date for passenger trains and no later than 1 month before the TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. commencement date for freight trains. This applies to all TCRTemporary capacity restrictions refer to limitations or reductions in the available capacity of railway infrastructure for a specified period. These restrictions can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance works, construction projects, or events affecting the normal operation of the railway network. categories. Bane NOR and affected applicants may agree shorter deadlines Diversion criteria in connection with temporary traffic restrictions with very high impact

The consultation process for drawing up a preliminary plan to distribute the temporary capacity on routes with temporary capacity restrictions uses the various train services as the starting point. The types of train services used for the allocation of temporary capacity are based on the latest applications and any priorities (congested route) that provide the basis for the current timetable period.

The train service types used are Pt (passenger trains), Gt (freight trains), Et (empty trains) and L (light engines).

In the event of capacity restrictions that have a very high impact on traffic, Bane NOR will also take into account relevant factors in order to meet the applicant’s needs and minimise the negative impact of the restriction to the extent possible. In the event of any reductions in traffic, Bane NOR will take the following criteria into account:

Current plan

The current plan shows how much traffic is operating in the section/station/terminal in question. The purpose of this is to ensure that the different types of traffic are taken care of when capacity is reduced. The starting point will be the current plan, if necessary supplemented using knowledge of changes to the train service. The number of trains that can operate will be reduced in such a way that transport requirements are met to a limited extent. This also means that available capacity may be distributed unevenly throughout the day and the week. Allocation will be coordinated with applicants for the purpose of achieving agreement.

Replacement traffic considerations

Another factor that must be considered is the possibility of replacing trains using alternative modes of transport. This could entail:

  • replacing passenger trains with buses or other alternative modes of transport
  • referring passengers to the next/a different train
  • rerouting trains via other sections of line
  • reloading freight to other modes of transport
  • scheduling traffic to run earlier or later
Time sensitivity in relation to different types of traffic

A third factor is how time-critical certain traffic is. An assessment will be conducted in respect of any extended run time when traffic cannot be carried out as normal. The assessments will be conducted based on

  • the time sensitivity for passengers when travel time is extended, either by replacing trains with buses or by passengers being referred to the next/another train
  • whether freight transport can take place at all
  • the transport time for freight being extended and freight becoming damaged
  • whether the mode of transport can reach a key connection for further connection

The prioritisation between different types of trains may vary throughout the day.

In cases where an agreement concerning the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process cannot be reached, Bane NOR will apply the current model for the socio-economic valuation of train paths.

4.3.3 Planning and accommodation of alternative transport

Bane NOR is responsible for ensuring that stations can accommodate alternative transport and is responsible for the allocation of railway undertaking capacity and areas in stations for the implementation of alternative transport.

The railway undertaking must submit any known requests for facilitation at stations for the coming timetable period by the deadline for input on the second consultation round on technical planning requirements for tracks. Submission must be made via ARBIS(opens in a new tab) and must be linked to the individual ARBISBane NOR's electronic overview of railway technical planning requirements.-ID.

Requests for facilitation at stations occurring during the timetable period or that were not known at the time of the second consultation round for the TPRT must be submitted on an ongoing basis but no later than 3 months prior to the commencement of the deviation to kundelogistikk@banenor.no.

Plans for the implementation of alternative transport for interruptions that span more than 48 hours must be distributed by Bane NOR to railway undertakings no later than one month before the interruption and must be established by Bane NOR seven days prior.

Bane NOR will allocate capacity and areas in stations where multiple railway undertakings are implementing alternative transport from when the timetable and technical planning requirements for tracks for the coming year are determined.

4.4 Impacts of Framework Agreements

Cf. Chapter 7 of the Railway Regulations and Network Statement, Chapter 3.3.1.

In addition to the current framework agreement described in Chapter 4.4.1 Bane NOR does not currently enter into any framework agreements.

4.4.1 Impact on the Gardermoen Line (Etterstad-Gardermoen line)

(Reference: JBVAn abbreviation referring to the the former Norwegian national railway administration responsible for the infrastructure of the railway network case 03-1458 document 4).

In 2000, Bane NOR concluded a contract with Flytoget (Airport Express Train) for the line between Etterstad and Gardermoen, which gives Flytoget “the necessary priority” so that it can have regular departures up to 6 times an hour in each direction. Regular means that the departures must be distributed evenly throughout the hour.

This agreement was revised in 2003 and will expire on 1 January 2030. Bane NOR assumed the Norwegian National Rail Administration’s obligations pursuant to the agreement on 1 January 2017.

As Etterstad is not a station, but merely a point on a line, the agreement has a corresponding impact on the Oslo S-Etterstad line.

4.5 Path Allocation Process

Cf. Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of the Norwegian Railway Regulations.

4.5.1 Annual timetable path requests

R24 is valid from and including 10 Dec 2023 up to and including 14 Dec 2024 and capacity will be allocated for the entire period.

The timetable includes train paths (and services) and plans for work in tracks.

A detailed description with milestones (activities and deadlines) is provided in Chapter Schedule and will be submitted to applicants and the infrastructure managers before the planning process commences.

It may be necessary to adapt train paths that have been applied for in order to devise a reliable and punctual timetable. This will take place in discussion with the relevant applicants.

The commencement of the planning process/process for annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. is announced through separate letters to applicants. Planning requirements for the capacity allocation process

  • Technical planning requirements for track (TPRT)
  • Prearranged paths (PaPs) for ScanMed RFCA Rail Freight Corridor is a designated international railway route across Europe that is optimized for freight transport. Prearranged train paths for international corridors

Cf. Regulations of 17 February 2014, no. 190 on the implementation of Regulation (EU) no. 913/210 concerning a European rail networkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network. for competitive freight.

No later than 11 months before the start of the timetable period, the Pre-Arranged Paths (PaPs) for ScanMed RFCA Rail Freight Corridor is a designated international railway route across Europe that is optimized for freight transport. are published. The paths are published via the corridor website(opens in a new tab) and directly using the application and coordination tool PCS.

The prearranged train paths (PaPs) for the corridor are a product reserved for international freight service in the annual timetable. The train paths have been prepared by IMs in consultation with corridor organisations and are based on a study of the transport market. Capacity is applied for and allocated directly via the C- OSSA one stop shop is a single point of contact where multiple services or solutions can be obtained. function for the corridor.

As these PaPs routes have special priority over changes in the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process, it may be beneficial for international freight services to apply for these. Draft timetable

Timetables are drawn up on the basis of train path applications, plans for infrastructure work and services, nationally and internationally.

The draft timetable contain a capacity description and an overview of trans applied for, with any remarks.

Capacity description:
  • Line capacity (graphic route)
  • Track capacity, including the location for assigned capacity for stabled rolling stock during operational breaks
  • Terminal capacity
List of trains applied for, with any remarks. Such remarks may include:
  • Rejection of infrastructure capacity applied for (with reasons)
  • Restrictions (tonnage/length)
  • Layover periods for exchange of personnel/loading and unloading times
  • Description of potential clashes
  • Capacity for cross-border trains will be coordinated before the draft timetable is published. Description of comments on suggested timetable

General comments

General comments on an allocation, such as non-constructed train paths or complete solutions for a line or train product.


Comments on the proposal can be provided on allocations deviating from the application. These comments can be provided for a specific point on the train route, or for the train route as a whole.


  • Broken connection
  • Deviating reference points
  • Departure/arrival times deviating from the application
  • Run time

The following are not to be regarded as comments:

  • Amendments to the original application
  • New trains
  • Amendments to reference points
  • Increased weight, length or amendment of vehicles which mean that the constructed train path could not be maintained
  • Addition of running days (quality assurance of running days will be accepted)
  • Request to change times applied for

The above changes will be handled as residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. and incorporated in the established timetable as far as possible.

Applicants wishing to withdraw infrastructure capacity applied for before the timetable is established can do this by means of discussion in BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process..

Note: If the comments from the consultation involve a conflict of interest, a coordination process will commence. Schedule for the capacity allocation process

Table 9: Schedule for the capacity allocation process
From To Process/Activity
11 Dec    Timetable R23 implemented.
22 Dec   Latest date for announcement of start-up of timetable R24 – including the initial TPRT proposal.
9 Jan   Pre-planned train paths (PaPs) for international freight services R24 published. Search period for infrastructure capacity begins.
13 Feb 17 Feb Early dialogue – one-on-one meetings with applicants.
13 Feb   Search period for train paths begins – BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process. opens.
16 March   Start-up meeting R24 with applicants for information and discussion relating to criteria for the forthcoming timetable period.
11 April   Last day for comments on the first proposal for TPRT R24.
11 April   Last day for infrastructure capacity applications for R24.
12 April   First day for infrastructure capacity and services applications submitted after the ordinary deadline.
12 June* 16 June* Dialogue meetings R24 with applicants prior to the draft timetable.
3 July   The draft timetable and updated draft TPRT for R24 are published.
3 July 4 Aug Consultation period.
4 Aug   Comments on the draft timetable and updated draft TPRT R24 must be received by Bane NOR before 09:00.
4 Aug 1 Sep Coordination period
14 Aug and 15 Aug *   Dialogue meetings R24 with applicants for review of consultation responses to the draft timetable.
21 Aug   Determination of international traffic applied for in PCS, including pre-planned train paths (PaPs) for international freight services. Also applicable to national train paths as feeder traffic to/from PaPs.
1 Sep   Last day to submit demands for dispute resolution.
4 Sep 15 Sep Dispute resolution period.
22 Sep   Timetable and TPRT R24 determined.
25 Sep   First day for responses to infrastructure capacity and services applications submitted after the ordinary deadline.
6 Oct   Last day for infrastructure capacity and service applications submitted after the ordinary deadline. The application must be received by Bane NOR before 09:00 AM. 
16 Oct   Timetable and TPRT R24 published.
17 Oct   First day for applications for ad hoc routes for R24.
10 Nov   Last day to notify the railway undertaking that will be in charge of transport whether applications for infrastructure capacity have been received from applicants other than railway undertakings.
10 Dec   Timetable R24 implemented.
20 Dec   Latest date for announcement of the start-up of R25.

* Dates have been reconciled with the Swedish Transport Administration, but may be subject to change.

4.5.2 Late Annual Timetable Path Requests

Applications submitted after the ordinary deadline for the annual capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process Cf. Annex IV, Section 3 and 6 of the Railway Regulations.

Bane NOR will consider applications for train paths submitted after the expiration of the ordinary deadline and before the timetable opens for ad-hoc applications. Such applications are referred to as late applications for train paths or Late Path Requests (LPR). Information about the deadlines for applications, consideration and allocation of infrastructure capacity and services pursuant to the ordinary deadline can be found in the schedule in Chapter Schedule.

Requirements concerning the content of applications are the same as for applications submitted before the ordinary deadline (cf. Chapter 4.2.5 Requirements for route application content). Applications must be submitted via BEST-LBane NOR's elektronic system for infrastructure capacity application (routes) in the yearly capacity allocation process. for national services and PCS for cross-border services. The consideration of applications will be carried out in the order received and will start no sooner than the day after the timetable has been established.

Bane NOR will prepare a route proposal draft and if this is not accepted by the applicant in writing, the application will be cancelled, and a new application must be submitted. When considering late applications, it may be necessary to adjust allocated train paths in order to offer a new route proposal draft. Any changes to allocated train paths require the changes to be accepted by all affected applicants.

The consideration of late applications will conclude five working days prior to the publication of the new annual timetable. This is to ensure that updates to and publication of the timetable can open for ad-hoc applications by the established deadline. Formal allocation of train paths is binding and will be managed in the same way as train paths allocated during the determination of the timetable.

4.5.3. Ad-hoc path requests

See the Railway Regulations, § 8-7.

Operative Capacity AllocationAllocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity. deals with the need for services, train path applications, infrastructure work or amendment of planning requirements for the timetable period in question. If necessary, the timetable must be consulted for clarification of the requirements on which the current timetable is based.

Infrastructure capacity ( residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable.) is allocated in the order in which applications are received. Bane NOR’s deadline for responses is five working days.

Communication in Operative Capacity AllocationAllocation of infrastructure capacity in the current timetable. Operational capacity allocation involves distributing remaining capacity. normally takes place between Bane NOR’s operational timetable/traffic control centres and the railway undertakings' transport management functions.

Contact Traffic Areas
Traffic area East



Traffic area North rutekontor.trondheim@banenor.no
Traffic area South/West rutekontor.bergen@banenor.no Notification of large and/or complex applications

Special deadlines are agreed in the case of large and/or complicated applications and/or exceptional consignment arrangements. Railway undertakings are advised to provide notification to Bane NOR of the application well in advance, even if not all the details are in place. Receipt of notification gives the same priority with regard to allocation of residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. as an ad hoc application.

A notification of an ad hoc application for infrastructure capacity should include the following information:

  • approximate date(s) on which the train(s) is/are to run
  • train category
  • the section(s) on which the train(s) is/are to run
  • the need for stabling/parking vehicles

Contact point – see Chapter 4.5.3 above.

Please note that separate deadlines must be agreed for the consideration of planned TCRs. Cf. Chapter Bane NOR’s response

If the application/notification can be accommodated in full, it is sufficient to state this.

If the application/notification either cannot be accommodated at all or cannot be accommodated in full, Bane NOR must also provide information in its response about an alternative time and train path.

Bane NOR’s response will be sent in BEST-KBane NOR's electronic system for infratsructure capacity application (routes and work on tracks) in the current timetable period (operative capacity allocation)..

As well as responding to an applicantA railway undertaking or an international association of railway undertakings or physical or legal persons, such as the competent authorities pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and shippers, forwarders, and operators in combined transport, who have a public service or commercial interest in being allocated infrastructure capacity, cf. Railway Regulations § 1-7 p., Bane NOR will – when an application is received – announce the infrastructure capacity allocated in FIDOBane NOR's electronic system for distribution of routes and other announcements, as described in Traffic Rules for the Rail NetworkThe rail network managed by Bane NOR, which is the entire Norwegian rail network..

4.5.4 Coordination process

See the Railway Regulations, Section 9-1.

The purpose of coordination is to create a timetable that has no conflicts of interests so that all applications can be approved. If it is not possible to approve all applications, the infrastructure manager must coordinate the applications, see the Railway Regulations, Section 9-1.

The process is implemented as follows:

Bane NOR first contacts applicants with mutual interests in order to clarify and document the content of the applications and their actual requirements for the train paths applied for.

Bane NOR invites the applicants to individual meetings. A joint meeting may also be convened if agreed between the parties. When all information and documentation is in place, Bane NOR prepares a proposed solution based on the following principles and criteria:

  1. Coordination of international/cross-border traffic
  2. The applicant’s actual train path requirements, either based on agreements concluded for transport services or based on the applicant’s prospects of concluding such agreements
  3. General societal concerns

The proposal is sent to the applicants involved. If Bane NOR’s proposed coordination is not agreed to by the parties, Bane NOR is obliged to declare the route congested – see the Railway Regulations, Section 9-3 – and then to allocate infrastructure capacity according to prioritisation criteria, see the Railway Regulations, Section 9-5.

See Annex 4.5.4 Method for Socio-Economic Valuation of Train Path Allocation.

4.5.5 Dispute resolution process

See the Railway Regulations, Section 9-2.

Bane NOR’s dispute resolution scheme comes into force in response to written complaints from applicants who disagree with proposals for timetables after coordination has been carried out.

The process with milestones (schedule) is reported to applicants and Bane NOR at the start of the planning process, that is, 12 months before the new timetable is implemented.

When a line is declared congested, Bane NOR will allocate infrastructure capacity in accordance with the guidelines set out in Chapter 4.5.4. Deadline for submitting complaints

The exact deadline for submitting requests for dispute resolution can be found in the detailed schedule announced 12 months before the implementation of the timetable. Complaint content and address – counterpart

The complaint must include the following elements:

A reference to which trains and/or which operating schedule the complaint applies (sufficient to identify the complaint with a time and line).

The complaint must be justified and must include a description of the solution in which the applicant thinks the dispute resolution process ought to conclude:

  • For the applicant personally
  • For the other applicant(s) whose allocated infrastructure capacity will be modified if the applicant’s complaint is accommodated

The complaint is submitted to Bane NOR, Customers and Marketing, Timetable, which distributes copies of the complaint to all other affected applicants. The complaint must be submitted to Bane NOR, Ruteplan, Traffic Division. Other applicants’ optional duty to act – deadline

Within two working days of having received a copy of the complaint, applicants whose infrastructure capacity will be modified if the applicant’s complaint is accommodated must have submitted any response they may have to the first applicant’s complaint to Bane NOR, Ruteplan, Traffic Division.

The response must reference and identify the original complaint. Bane NOR’s processing of the complaint

Bane NOR evaluates the complaint and any responses and makes its decision on the basis of guidelines specified in laws, regulations and the Network Statement, as well as the substance of the complaint and responses.

Bane NOR’s decision must be in writing, stating reasons. The decision will be communicated to the complainant and other applicants who have been involved in the process within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint, in accordance with Chapter 4.5.5.

Otherwise, the rules of the Public Administration Act concerning individual measures for the infrastructure manager's case management in connection with decisions on infrastructure capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. are applicable, unless specified otherwise in the Norwegian Railway Regulations. Appealing Bane NOR’s decision – effects of such an appeal

Cf. Section 11-3 of the Norwegian Railway Regulations.

Bane NOR’s decisions on the allocation of infrastructure capacity can be appealed to the Norwegian Railway Authority, cf. Chapter 1.4.3, which provides further information about appealing to the Norwegian Railway Authority (SJT). Such appeals have no suspensive effect.

Contact Statens jernbanetilsyn (SJT)

4.5.6 Established timetable

Allocated capacity is shown in the established timetable submitted to applicants and presented on the Bane NOR website.

Capacity is shown in the form of:

  • Line capacity for allocated train paths and available residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. (graphic route)
  • Track capacity, including the location for assigned capacity for stabled rolling stock during operational breaks
  • Terminal capacity
  • Capacity reserved for work in track ( ARBISBane NOR's electronic overview of railway technical planning requirements.)

4.6 Congested Infrastructure

Cf. the Railway Regulations, Chapter 9.

4.6.1 Definition of congested infrastructure

See Section 9-3 of the Norwegian Railway Regulations.

4.6.2 Congested lines (in Norway)

The following lines and nodes are considered to be congested:

Oslo Central Station
between 06:30 and 09:00 and between 15:00 and 17:30 on working days (Monday – Friday)

Oslo Central Station–Lysaker
around the clock on working days (Monday-Friday)

Alnabru–Eidsvoll (Main Line)–Trondheim–Bodø
around the clock every day

around the clock on working days (Monday – Friday)

Sandbukta–Moss (including Moss station)
between 06:30 and 08:30 and between 15:30 and 17:30 on working days (Monday – Friday)

between 06:00 and 18:00 on working days (Monday – Friday)

between 10:00 and 12:00 Monday – Saturday between 1 May 2024 – 31 Oct 2024. 

the following fixed and moving public holidays (dates for R24): Boxing Day (26 Dec 2023), New Year’s Day (1 Jan 2024), Easter Monday (1 April 2024) and Whit Monday (20 May 2024).

4.6.3 Prioritisation criteria (in the event of congested infrastructure)

The following prioritisation criteria must be applied pursuant to the Railway Regulations, Section 9-5 in the event of congested infrastructure:

  1. Services included in contracts with the state concerning public service provision
  2. National and international freight transport
  3. Specific type of service on lines as specified in Section 8-8, second paragraph
  4. Passenger transport in general
  5. Maintenance work

If applications are submitted for more infrastructure capacity within a priority category in accordance with the Norwegian Railway Regulations, Section 9-5 (1) than there is capacity available, or if applications for more train paths are submitted than there is capacity available in accordance with the Norwegian Railway Regulations, Section 9-5 (2), Bane NOR will allocate infrastructure capacity in such a manner that safeguards the importance of the transport service to the community as far as possible in relation to any other service that is excluded.

If there is any conflict which the above guidelines fail to resolve, or if a priority other than that pursuant to the Railway Regulations, Section 9-5 involves higher overall utilisation of the total infrastructure capacity, Bane NOR will use the socio-economic model method to value the infrastructure capacity, as described in Annex 4.5.4 Method for Socio-Economic Valuation of Train Path Allocation. The results of the socio-economic analysis will be prioritised highly in the evaluation of which alternative will be given priority.

4.6.4 Capacity analysis

Cf. Section 9-6 of the Norwegian Railway Regulations.

4.6.5 Capacity improvement plan

Cf. Section 9-7 of the Norwegian Railway Regulations.

4.7 Exceptional Transport and Dangerous Goods

4.7.1 Exceptional transports

The applicant is obliged to state whether the transport that it wants to run has a load of such a nature that it must be run as an exceptional transport, using either a regular train or an extra train.

Exceptional transport arrangements are defined in the glossary/definitions. Deadlines for application for exceptional transport

Exceptional transport arrangements must be reported to the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process as far as possible if, due to the load’s size or other circumstances, they may have consequences with regard to the infrastructure capacity on the relevant section.

Applications for exceptional transport outside the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process are to be submitted to The Exceptional Transport unit. 

An administrative processing time in excess of 5 working days is to be expected for such applications.

Contact The Special Transport Unit Auxiliary tools for processing applications for exceptional transport

Auxiliary tools for processing applications for exceptional transport are a supplementary service, see Chapter

4.7.2 Dangerous goods Dangerous goods in connection with the capacity allocation process

In the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process, Bane NOR assumes that all freight trains carry dangerous goods. Dangerous goods when operating trains

The railway undertakings must notify Bane NOR of all transport of dangerous goods according to TJNBane NOR's Traffic Rules for the Rail Network., Chapter 4.

4.8 Rules After Path Allocation

4.8.1 Rules for path modification by the applicant

Bane NOR considers applications for the modification of allocated infrastructure capacity as part of the operational capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.

4.8.2 Rules for path alteration by the IM

Bane NOR considers applications for changes to allocated infrastructure capacity as part of the operational capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.

4.8.3 Non-Usage rules by the applicant

Cf. the Railway Regulations, Sections 9-4 and 10-2.

If the allocated infrastructure capacity is not used, this can be included in the consideration of future allocation of infrastructure capacity. This may result in lower priority or the applicant being refused allocation. Bane NOR has the right to withdraw allocated infrastructure capacity if the applicant does not use the infrastructure capacity to a sufficient extent. The applicant must be granted the right to comment. Sufficient extent means that the proportion of allocated infrastructure capacity used is more than 80%.

If a railway undertaking does not use its assigned infrastructure capacity over the course of 1 month (31 calendar days), Bane NOR may withdraw the unused capacity, giving 5 working days’ notice in writing. The undertakings must be granted the right to comment. Returning of train paths from RUs to Bane NOR

When a train path is returned to Bane NOR and redistributed during a timetable period – because a railway undertaking has been shut down, for example – Bane NOR will announce when such a train path will become available and set a deadline for applying for the infrastructure capacity.

Applications for infrastructure capacity released in this way are submitted as ad hoc applications. Bane NOR will implement an allocation process, which means that all applicants with an interest in using the infrastructure capacity will have equal opportunities to apply for it. The following principles and criteria are applicable to such allocations:

  • The applicant’s actual train path requirements, either based on agreements concluded for transport services or based on the applicant’s prospects of concluding such agreements. This criterion has a 30% weighting.
  • The short and long-term consequences of the allocation, which, among other things, emphasises predictability for transport service users and a robust and stable train service. This criterion has a 30% weighting.
  • The best possible utilisation of the infrastructure, including the extent to which train paths allocated previously have been used. This criterion has a 20% weighting.
  • Environmental considerations, including energy-efficient rolling stock. This criterion has a 20% weighting.

In the event of an application conflict, Bane NOR will:

  • Undertake an objective review and assessment of information and documentation received in connection with the relevant applications: this will include obtaining documentation or otherwise seeking to verify undocumented information submitted by the applicants, particularly if the information is of key significance to the allocation decision.
  • Prepare documentation during case processing, explaining the assessments that form the basis for the allocation.
  • Provide the applicants with written reasons for Bane NOR’s allocation decision and information on how allocation has taken place in accordance with the specified principles and criteria for allocation, including the assessments that form a basis for the allocation.

4.8.4 Rules for cancellation by the applicant

Cf. the Norwegian Railway Regulations, Section 6-7.

Cancellations of allocated infrastructure capacity or non-usage will be subject to reservation charges pursuant to Chapter 5.6.1.

4.9 TTR for Smart Capacity Management

4.9.1 Objectives of TTR

RailNetEurope ( RNERailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.) and FTE, supported by ERFA, are working on a project called TTR (Timetable Redesign), the ambition of which is to reconcile capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. processes in Europe. Bane NOR actively participates in the project and refers to this as customer-focused capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these..

The goal of TTR is to accommodate optimal utilisation of railway infrastructure and strengthen the ability of the capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process to meet the market’s needs for predictability and available capacity for the transport of passengers and freight.

4.9.2 Process Components

Customer-focused capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. (TTR) is based on the following elements:

Key elements of customer-focused capacity allocation (TTR). Illustration.

Figure 2: Key elements of customer-focused capacity allocation (TTR).

The most important elements are described in further detail below.

  • Capacity strategy (X-60 to X-36 months): The capacity strategy constitutes the first step in the upcoming capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. process.
  • The main purpose of the capacity strategy is to provide an initial overview of available future infrastructure capacity, temporary capacity restrictions in infrastructure, anticipated future capacity requirements, service planning principles and future service flow. Bane NOR, as the infrastructure manager (IM), will request input on future capacity requirements from neighbouring infrastructure managers, applicants and the largest service facilities operators.
  • Bane NOR, as the infrastructure manager, will request input on future capacity requirements from neighbouring infrastructure managers and applicants. The work on the capacity strategy will result in a strategy document that will be published and used as the basis for drawing up the capacity model.
  • Capacity model (X-36 to X-18 months), with capacity distribution: The capacity model provides a more detailed description of the needs forecast and allocation of capacity in annual planning, ongoing planning, temporary capacity restrictions and residual capacityAvailable (free) track capacity in the Norwegian railway network that has not been allocated for train operations or track work in the established timetable. (where available). Applicants have the opportunity to provide input on the capacity model by reporting their capacity needs and they can also submit feedback on the suggested capacity distribution.
  • International reconciliation of temporary capacity restrictions: Temporary capacity restrictions include maintenance, renovation or development of infrastructure or other usage restrictions that affect the available capacity on the line.

4.9.3 Implementation

The TTR is scheduled to be implemented by the R25 timetable period, provided that the changes are in accordance with applicable regulations.

Process for implementation of TTR. Illustration.

Figure 3: Overview of the steps in the TTR implementation process.

Read more about customer-focused capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. and download the capacity strategy on banenor.no. Capacity Needs Announcements

Not applicable. Capacity Model and Capacity Partitioning

Not applicable. Capacity Supply

Not applicable.

4.9.4 TTR Pilot Project or early implementation of one or more TTR process components

Not applicable.

4.10 Capacity Allocation Principles for the RFCs

The principles for capacity allocationA collective term teferring to the infrastructure manager's planning and allocation of infrastructure capacity as well as access to serice facilities and the services in these. in freight corridors (Rail Freight Corridors/ RFCA Rail Freight Corridor is a designated international railway route across Europe that is optimized for freight transport.) affiliated with the OneStopShop (C- OSSA one stop shop is a single point of contact where multiple services or solutions can be obtained.) are described on RNERailNetEurope is a joint European organization aimed at facilitating international traffic.'s website. 

Capacity Allocation for the Rail Freight Corridors

Download "Capacity Allocation Principles in the Freight Corridors" from rne.eu.